​ Cairo Sportsman's Club
The people from this truck were keeping the fish from our "catch & release" pond. Does anyone know the owner of this vehicle? This pic was taken at the club on Sunday, Aug 26th, at 12:15 PM.
It seems as though we have club members who do not like to follow the
rules. As stated on the first page of our website, “The pond is 3/4 acres,
and is available to all active members. ​ ​​
Due to the number of members using the pond, it is catch and release only.” We also have a sign next to the pond that states the pond is catch and release, only.​​​​​
We have barred for life, a club life member who was caught taking out buckets of fish. Because of this thief, we couldn’t hold our annual kids’ fishing tournament for the lack of fish. We have spent hundreds of dollars re-stocking the pond.
Please call the sheriff’s department if you see somebody taking fish. The thief will be arrested and barred from the Cairo Sportsman’s Club.
Mike Jamison, Secretary